[Answered] CSIA 459 Project 2: Technology Transfer Research Paper Solution

CSIA 459 Project 2: Technology Transfer Research Paper

Project 2: Technology Transfer Research Paper

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Due on May 7, 2024 11:59 PM
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CSIA 459 Project 2: Technology Transfer Research Paper
CSIA 459 Project 2: Technology Transfer Research Paper

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Rubric Name: Technology Transfer Research Paper


Criteria Excellent Outstanding Acceptable Needs Improvement Needs Significant Improvement Missing / Unacceptable Criterion Score
Introduction & Overview (14 pts) 14 points

Provided an excellent introduction / overview which thoroughly introduced the topic of this paper. Introduction addressed:

·         Technology Transfer Processes

·         Technology Development Life Cycle

·         Funding Sources & Issues

11.2 points

Provided an outstanding introduction / overview which introduced the topic of this paper. Introduction provided adequate mention of the following:

·         Technology Transfer Processes

·         Technology Development Life Cycle

·         Funding Sources & Issues

9.8 points

Provided an introduction / overview which introduced the topic of this paper. Introduction mentioned or provided some information about:

·         Technology Transfer Processes

·         Technology Development Life Cycle

·         Funding Sources & Issues

7 points

Provided an introduction / overview which introduced the topic of this paper.

5.6 points

Provided an introduction / overview but this section was lacking in content and/or did not tell the reader what to expect (topic of the paper) and/or this section was not well supported by information from authoritative sources.

0 points

Introduction was missing or not relevant to the required topic for this paper.

Score of Introduction & Overview (14 pts),

/ 14

Technology Development Life Cycle (14 pts) 14 points

Provided an excellent explanation of the Technology Development Life Cycle. Explanation included all phases (stages) of the life cycle (as defined in NIST GCR 02-841) and provided relevant examples of the types of activities which occur in each phase (stage). Used appropriate authoritative sources to support the discussion (including 2 or more authoritative sources).

CSIA 459 Project 2: Technology Transfer Research Paper
CSIA 459 Project 2: Technology Transfer Research Paper
11.2 points

Provided an outstanding explanation of the Technology Development Life Cycle. Explanation included all phases (stages) of the life cycle (as defined in NIST GCR 02-841) and provided relevant examples of the types of activities which occur in each phase (stage). Used appropriate authoritative sources to support the discussion (including 2 or more authoritative sources).

9.8 points

Provided an explanation of the Technology Development Life Cycle. Explanation included all phases (stages) of the life cycle (as defined in NIST GCR 02-841) and provided relevant examples of the types of activities which occur in each phase (stage). Used appropriate authoritative sources to support the discussion.

7 points

Provided an explanation of the Technology Development Life Cycle. Explanation mentioned phases (stages) of the life cycle (as defined in NIST GCR 02-841) and provided a few examples of the types of activities which occur in each phase (stage).

5.6 points

Attempted to provide an explanation of the Technology Development Life Cycle. Explanation was incomplete and/or this section was not well supported by information from authoritative sources.

0 points

Did not include an explanation of the Technology Development Life Cycle.

Score of Technology Development Life Cycle (14 pts),

/ 14

Technology Transfer Processes (28 pts) 28 points

Provided an excellent explanation of the Technology Transfer Process and included a discussion of the key players who participate (i.e. inventors, universities, companies, investors). Explanation included examples of two or more phases (stages) of the technology development life cycle at which technology transfer occurs. Researched additional sources of information about technology transfer (beyond those included in the assignment). Used appropriate authoritative sources to support the discussion (including 3 or more authoritative sources).

23.8 points

Provided an outstanding explanation of the Technology Transfer Process and included a discussion of the key players who participate (i.e. inventors, universities, companies, investors). Explanation included examples of phases (stages) of the technology development life cycle at which technology transfer occurs. Researched additional sources of information about technology transfer (beyond those included in the assignment). Used appropriate authoritative sources to support the discussion (including 2 or more authoritative sources).

21 points

Provided an explanation of the Technology Transfer Process which included a discussion of the key players who participate (i.e. inventors, universities, companies, investors). Explanation included mention of the phases (stages) of the technology development life cycle at which technology transfer occurs. Used appropriate authoritative sources to support the discussion.

16.8 points

Provided an explanation of the Technology Transfer Process. Explanation included mention of the phases (stages) of the technology development life cycle at which technology transfer occurs. Used appropriate authoritative sources to support the discussion.

5.6 points

Attempted an explanation of the Technology Transfer Process but, the explanation was lacking details and/or was not well supported by information from authoritative sources.

0 points

Did not discuss the technology transfer process.

Score of Technology Transfer Processes (28 pts),

/ 28

Funding Sources & Issues (28 pts) 28 points

Provided an excellent explanation of the role that funding plays in the technology transfer process. Included a discussion of the key players who are involved in funding decisions (i.e. inventors, universities, government agencies, companies, investors). Explanation included examples of two or more types of funding for technology transfer. Researched additional sources of information and used appropriate authoritative sources to support the discussion (including 3 or more authoritative sources).

23.8 points

Provided an outstanding explanation of the role that funding plays in the technology transfer process. Included a discussion of the key players who are involved in funding decisions (i.e. inventors, universities, government agencies, companies, investors). Explanation mentioned different types of funding for technology transfer. Used appropriate authoritative sources to support the discussion (including 3 or more authoritative sources).

21 points

Provided an explanation of the role that funding plays in the technology transfer process. Mentioned two or more key players who are involved in funding decisions. Mentioned different types of funding for technology transfer. Used appropriate authoritative sources to support the discussion.

16.8 points

Provided an explanation of the role that funding plays in the technology transfer process. Mentioned different types of funding for technology transfer. Used appropriate authoritative sources to support the discussion.

5.6 points

Mentioned the role that funding plays in the technology transfer process but this information lacked details and/or was not well supported by information from authoritative sources.

0 points

Did not discuss the role that funding plays in the technology transfer process.

Score of Funding Sources & Issues (28 pts),

/ 28

Summary and Conclusions (14 pts) 14 points

Provided a separate section of the paper which contained an excellent and thorough summary of the information presented in the paper. Presented at least 3 appropriate conclusions regarding technology transfer and related issues.

11.2 points

Provided a separate section of the paper which contained an outstanding summary of the information presented in the paper. Presented 2 or more appropriate conclusions regarding technology transfer and related issues.

9.8 points

Provided a separate section of the paper which contained a summary of the information presented in the paper. Presented at least one appropriate conclusion regarding technology transfer and related issues.

7 points

Provided a summary of the information presented in the paper. Did not draw conclusions about technology transfer and related issues.

5.6 points

Summary and conclusions were weak. OR, the summary was poorly organized and/or contained inappropriate information or opinion. (Or, inappropriate or excessive copying from other authors’ work.)

0 points

Did not provide summary and conclusions for the paper.

Score of Summary and Conclusions (14 pts),

/ 14

Quality of Research (14 pts) 14 points

Demonstrated excellence in researching  technology transfer as it applies to emerging technologies and the technology development life cycle. Used 10 or more authoritative sources in the writing of this assignment (including at least three that were not listed in the assignment). Sources used were diverse and included information obtained from journal articles, government Web sites, university Web sites (e.g. “Office of Technology Transfer” or “Office of Technology Commercialization”), etc.

11.2 points

Researched the technology transfer as it applies to emerging technologies and the technology development life cycle. Used 8 or more authoritative sources in the writing of this assignment (including at least three that were not listed in the assignment). Sources used were diverse and included information obtained from journal articles, government Web sites, university Web sites (e.g. “Office of Technology Transfer” or “Office of Technology Commercialization”), etc.

9.8 points

Researched the technology transfer as it applies to emerging technologies and the technology development life cycle. Used 3 or more authoritative sources in the writing of this assignment (including at least one that was not listed in the assignment). Sources used were diverse and included information obtained from journal articles, government Web sites, university Web sites (e.g. “Office of Technology Transfer” or “Office of Technology Commercialization”), etc.

7 points

Used 3 or more authoritative sources in the writing of this assignment. Demonstrated some independent research (used sources beyond those listed in the assignment)

5.6 points

Used one or more authoritative sources from the assignment in the writing of this assignment. (Did not demonstrate independent research.)

0 points

Citations and/or reference list were missing. OR, citations only used inappropriate sources (non authoritative).

Score of Quality of Research (14 pts),

/ 14

Professionalism Part 1: Consistent Use and Formatting for Citations and Reference List 7 points

Work contains a reference list containing entries for all cited resources. Sufficient information is provided to allow a reader to find and retrieve the cited sources. Reference list entries and in-text citations are consistently and correctly formatted using an appropriate citation style (APA, MLA, etc.).

5.6 points

Work contains a reference list containing entries for all cited resources. Sufficient information is provided to allow a reader to find and retrieve the cited sources. One or two inconsistencies or errors in format for in-text citations and/or reference list entries.

4.2 points

Work contains a reference list containing entries for all cited resources. Sufficient information is provided to allow a reader to find and retrieve the cited sources. No more than 5 inconsistencies or errors in format for in-text citations and/or reference list entries.

2.8 points

Work has no more than three paragraphs with omissions of citations crediting sources for facts and information. Work contains a reference list containing entries for cited resources. Work contains no more than 10 inconsistencies or errors in format.

1.4 points

Work attempts to credit sources but demonstrates a fundamental failure to understand and/or consistently apply a professional formatting style for the reference list and/or citations.

0 points

Reference list and/or in-text citations are missing. Or, assignment not submitted for grading.

Score of Professionalism Part 1: Consistent Use and Formatting for Citations and Reference List,

/ 7

Professionalism Part 2: Organization & Appearance (7 pts) 7 points

Submitted work shows excellent organization and presentation. Formatting complies with requirements listed in the assignment. The use of color, fonts, titles, headings and sub-headings, margins, etc. is appropriate to the assignment type.

5.6 points

Submitted work shows outstanding organization and presentation. Formatting complies with requirements listed in the assignment. The use of color, fonts, titles, headings and sub-headings, margins, etc. is appropriate to the assignment type.

4.2 points

Submitted work is well organized. No more than 3 minor deviations from formatting requirements listed in the assignment. The use of color, fonts, titles, headings and sub-headings, margins, etc. is appropriate to the assignment type.

2.8 points

Submitted work lacks organization and/or has multiple style or formatting errors. Organization and professional appearance need improvement.

1.4 points

Submitted work lacks organization and/or has multiple style or formatting errors. Organization and professional appearance need significant improvement.

0 points

No work submitted.

Score of Professionalism Part 2: Organization & Appearance (7 pts),

/ 7

Professionalism Part 3: Execution (14 pts) 14 points

Work reflects a professional writing style. There were no formatting, grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors.

11.2 points

Work contains minor errors in formatting, grammar, spelling or punctuation which do not significantly impact professionalism in writing style.

9.8 points

Work contains no more than 5 errors in formatting, spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Errors slightly impact the professional appearance of the submitted work.

7 points

Work contains no more than 5 errors in formatting, spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Errors impact the professional appearance of the submitted work.

5.6 points

Work contains significant errors in formatting, spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Errors seriously impact the professional appearance of the submitted work.

0 points

No work submitted.

Score of Professionalism Part 3: Execution (14 pts),

/ 14



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