[Answered] SITXHRM008 Student Assessment – Roster staff – Paper Solution
Assessment Tasks and Instructions
Student Name | |
Student Number | |
Course and Code | |
Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s) | SITXHRM008 Roster staff |
Stream/Cluster | |
Trainer/Assessor |
Assessment for this Unit of Competency/Cluster | Details |
Assessment 1 | Short Answers |
Assessment 2 | Assignment |
Assessment 3 | Project |
Assessment conducted in this instance: Assessment 1 2 3 |

Reasonable Adjustment |
1. Has reasonable adjustment been applied to this assessment? |
No No further information required
Yes Complete 2. |
2. Provide details for the requirements and provisions for adjustment of assessment: |
Student to complete | |||||
My assessor has discussed the adjustments with me | |||||
I agree to the adjustments applied to this assessment | |||||
Signature | Date | ||||
2nd Assessor to complete | |||||
I agree the adjustments applied to this assessment are reasonable | |||||
Name | |||||
Signature | Date | ||||
Assessment Guidelines
What will be assessed |
The purpose of this assessment is to assess your ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and:
· demonstrate the following when preparing each of the above staff rosters: o sufficient staff to ensure the delivery of required services within wage budget constraints o appropriate skills mix of the team o compliance with industrial provisions and organisational policy o completion of rosters within commercial and staff time constraints. |
Place/Location where assessment will be conducted/Timeframes |
Resource Requirements |
Refer to the Assessment conditions attached to the “Assessment Conditions” for this unit in the SIT 1.0 Training Package.
Computer, Internet Access, a team or simulated team working under at least 1 hospitality award or an award relevant for the course undertaken, a Spreadsheet template or rostering software or as instructed:
Internet Link: http://www.fwc.gov.au/documents/modern_awards/award/ma000009/default.htm
Instructions for assessment including WHS requirements |
This Project consist of 2 Parts, Part A and Part B:
For Part A You are required to develop a staff roster for a given period as outlined to you by your trainer below. Once you have established the shift/rostering requirements you are required to interview each staff member and identify any special social, religious, family or other requirements to be considered for the purpose of the roster period. Where any special request have been made, document these in the table overleaf and obtain a signature for the relevant staff member to verify your communication provisions. Your roster must ensure: a) Adequate skill mix supported by award/grade listed for each staff member on the roster b) Effectiveness of rostering times to keep overtime and allowances to a minimum c) All shift allowances according job roles and details provided to you (e.g. tool allowance, split shift allowance etc. as these apply) d) Provisions of meal breaks in line with legislation For Part B you are required to develop another roster for a given period as outlined to you by your trainer below. If this is concurrent with the roster developed in Part A, identify 5 options for economical approaches e.g. combining workplace tasks ; staggering start and finish times or similar. Your colleagues have told you that the roster during period 1 was insufficient in terms of staff mix and numbers to handle Friday and Saturday nights due to the high frequency and variance of different meals ordered If you work in a different department apply this issue in that area). Reflect this in your next roster by including 1 additional level 1 or 2 and 1 additional staff at level 3 during the evening service (or e.g. check out/reception – during the morning shift). Once you have established the shift/rostering requirements you are required to interview each staff member and identify any special social, religious, family or other requirements to be considered for the purpose of the roster period. Where any special request have been made, document these in the table overleaf and obtain a signature for the relevant staff member to verify your communication provisions. Your roster must ensure: a) Adequate skill mix supported by award/grade listed for each staff member on the roster b) Effectiveness of rostering times to keep overtime and allowances to a minimum c) All shift allowances according job roles and details provided to you (e.g. tool allowance, split shift allowance etc. as these apply) d) Provisions of meal breaks in line with legislation
SITXHRM008 Student Assessment – Roster staff – Paper Solution
Statement of Authenticity | |
I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks | |
The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were explained to me and I understand these processes | |
I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I have acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of this assessment | |
Student Signature: Date: / /201 |
This assessment:
First Attempt | 2nd Attempt | 3nd Attempt | Extension – Date: / / | ||||
Part B
Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
Feedback to Student:
Assessor(s) Signature(s): | Date: | / / | ||||||
Student Signature | Date: | / / | ||||||
Assessment 3
You are required to develop a roster for a given period as outlined to you by your trainer below.
Once you have established the shift/rostering requirements you are required to interview each staff member and identify any special social, religious, family or other requirements to be considered for the purpose of the roster period.
Where any special request have been made, document these in the table overleaf and obtain a signature for the relevant staff member to verify your communication provisions.
Your roster must ensure:
- Adequate skill mix supported by award/grade listed for each staff member on the roster
- Effectiveness of rostering times to keep overtime and allowances to a minimum
- All shift allowances according job roles and details provided to you (e.g. tool allowance, split shift allowance etc. as these apply)
- Provisions of meal breaks in line with legislation
Roster Period 1
Simulated Team
Workplace |
________________________ Department: ________________________ |
___________________ |
Staff Signature | |
Team member Name | Classification | Age
if under 21 |
Special Requirement | |
1 | ||||
2 | ||||
3 | ||||
4 | ||||
5 | ||||
6 | ||||
7 | ||||
8 | ||||
9 | ||||
10 | ||||
11 |
Marking Criteria
You are required to develop another roster for a given period as outlined to you by your trainer below. If this is concurrent with the roster developed in Part A, identify 5 options for economical approaches e.g. combining workplace tasks ; staggering start and finish times or similar.
Your colleagues have told you that the roster during period 1 was insufficient in terms of staff mix and numbers to handle Friday and Saturday nights due to the high frequency and variance of different meals ordered If you work in a different department apply this issue in that area). Reflect this in your next roster by including 1 additional level 1 or 2 and 1 additional staff at level 3 during the evening service (or e.g. check out/reception – during the morning shift).
Once you have established the shift/rostering requirements you are required to interview each staff member and identify any special social, religious, family or other requirements to be considered for the purpose of the roster period.
Where any special request have been made, document these in the table overleaf and obtain a signature for the relevant staff member to verify your communication provisions.
Your roster must ensure:
- Adequate skill mix supported by award/grade listed for each staff member on the roster
- Effectiveness of rostering times to keep overtime and allowances to a minimum
- All shift allowances according job roles and details provided to you (e.g. tool allowance, split shift allowance etc. as these apply)
- Provisions of meal breaks in line with legislation
Roster Period 2
Simulated Team
Workplace |
________________________ Department: ________________________ |
___________________ |
Staff Signature | |
Team member Name | Classification | Age
if under 21 |
Special Requirement | |
1 | ||||
2 | ||||
3 | ||||
4 | ||||
5 | ||||
6 | ||||
7 | ||||
8 | ||||
9 | ||||
10 | ||||
11 |
Marking Criteria
SITXHRM008 Roster staff | |||||
Criteria | S | NYS | S | NYS | Comments |
Develop staff rosters | |||||
The individual requirements of staff members are identified | |||||
Each staff member is reflected in the roster | |||||
The award levels are identified correctly | |||||
The skill level mix rostered is adequate according to the award level descriptions in the award
Not adequate – Reason 1. 2. 3. |
The hours rostered for each staff do not exceed 38 per week | |||||
The meal breaks provided are adequate | |||||
Economical aspects have been identified and incorporated in roster 2 (Skills, combined Tasks etc): | |||||
1. Benefit: | |||||
2. Benefit: | |||||
3. Benefit: | |||||
4. Benefit: | |||||
5. Benefit: | |||||
Special requirements from staff are reflected in the roster | |||||
The shift allowances are calculated correctly for week days | |||||
The shift allowances are calculated correctly for week nights | |||||
The correct rates are calculated for Saturdays | |||||
The correct rates are calculated for Sundays | |||||
The correct rates are calculated for Public Holidays where relevant | |||||
Where overtime is rostered, the award provisions are identified | |||||
Overtime is calculated correctly | |||||
The roster reflects a realistic system based on the given operational aspects – Specify
e.g. 5 staff kitchen preparing Bistro style food for 120 lunches + 170 dinners during weekdays |
Present and communicate staff rosters | |||||
The roster is presented in a clear manner | |||||
The roster clearly shows the time/period | |||||
Evidence for distributing roster is provided: 2 required
Method 1: SMS/MMS ______________________ Method 2: Written copy/email _____________________ Method 3: Noticeboard and staff alert _________________ |
Evaluate rosters | |||||
The roster from period 1 was evaluated in terms of functionality | |||||
The identified changes have been incorporated in this roster: