[Answered 2024] NSG 4220 Population Health Nursing: Population Health Assessment and Prevention Project – Homework Solution
NSG 4220 Population Health Nursing
Population Health Assessment and Prevention Project
Assignment Overview:
- Read the Instructions for Population Health Assessment & Prevention Project Download Instructions for Population Health Assessment & Prevention Project Open this document with ReadSpeaker docReader (pdf was attached)
- Use thePopulation Health Assessment & Prevention Project template Download Population Health Assessment & Prevention Project template Open this document with ReadSpeaker docReaderto complete the project. Your data must be typed directly into the blank template provided, NOT into the instructions. (template was attached)
- Refer to your responses in previous checkpoints and discussions to assist you in completing this assignment. (please review my responses, document was attached)
- This assignment should have a title page and reference page in APA format.
- The project should be uploaded to the dropbox upon completion.

Example sections for Unit 5 Population Health Assessment & Prevention ProjectDownload Example sections for Unit 5 Population Health Assessment & Prevention ProjectOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader (Example doc was attached)
Follow the directions within each section of the assignment. For items I-V record the information on the template provided. Be sure to follow the directions closely in each section.
Use this template to complete the assignment: NSG 4210 Population Health Assessment & Prevention Project
Be sure to add a title and reference page!
Part I – Windshield Survey: Drive through your community on different occasions (day vs evening and weekday vs. weekend) to observe and gather data to complete Part 1)
As you assess each area consider the impact on the health of the community and potential community needs (intervention). For example:

- The effect of the physical environment; contamination of air or water; safe sidewalks for walking; or the quality of housing and potential impact on health outcomes.
- Consider the implications of reduced access to health care services, food, or emergency care.
- Consider the implications of educational and work/economic opportunities.
- Consider the impact of social determinants on health outcomes (for example: relationship between older homes in the community and high rates of lead exposure in children under the age of 5).
- Think about individual behavior, health beliefs/values or perspectives and the effect on the implementation of health promotion and disease prevention strategies?
- Observe where and when people “hang out” and their behavior. Are kids playing in the street due to lack of parks/recreation facilities or are the parks/recreation areas unsafe (observe who is “hanging out” in the parks/recreational facilities).
Part II – County Data:
Go to https://www.countyhealthrankings.org/explore-health-rankingsLinks to an external site.
Review the data on the Robert Wood Johnson (RWJ) website and enter the values for your county and state as demonstrated in the template.
For each indicator/cause of death: Find one (1) interprofessional resource that delivers programs or provides information to address each key indicator. The resource should be from either an agency/facility in your county or from your own state Department of Public Health (SDPH), which you can find by searching here: https://www.usa.gov/state-healthLinks to an external site..
Part III – Community Member Interviews: Interview three Community Members (for example: police or fireman; school teacher, community member (no official title), mechanic, or librarian; business owner or store clerk/manager) to determine their perspective on the health of the community.
Part IV – Population Health Prevention Strategies: Identify indicators that present the greatest risks to population health across the lifespan for your state and county. Describe one evidence-based prevention strategy from government resources such as HP 2030, the CDC, or journal articles. Select sources published within the past 5 years; cite using APA guidelines.
Part V – Collaborative Community Planning: Meet with a healthcare member (for example: public health nurse, school nurse, Red Cross nurse, OR a healthcare professional in another discipline) in the community and present assessment findings. Collaborate with the healthcare member to review collected data for the assessed community and outline a program plan to address one priority need for a target population.

Population Health Assessment & Prevention Project Rubric
Criteria | Ratings |
Windshield Survey
PSLO 2 1. Describes physical boundaries 2. Provides Google map 3. Compares map findings with driving around the community 4. Analyzes how these boundaries affect the community threshold: 11.0 pts
15 pts
Effective: Effectively met all criteria. |
Physical Characteristics
PSLO 2 1. Describes community existence 2. Describes and analyzes Demographic Data of Community 3. Describes and assesses Community appearance threshold: 14.0 pts
20 pts
Effective: Effectively met all criteria. |
Psychosocial Characteristics Describes and analyzes 11 psychosocial characteristics:
PSLO 2 1. Religion, 2. health & social services 3. economy, 4. politics and government, 5. transportation, 6. safety, 7. education, 8. recreational services, 9. culture & entertainment, 10. communication/media, 11. community values threshold: 14.0 pts
20 pts
Effective: Effectively met all criteria. |
County Health Report Card
PLSO 2 1. Provides statistical county and state data for the 41 key indicators listed on the report card 2. Identified the 5 leading causes of death under age 75 3. Lists resources/programs (including location information) for the 41 key indicators threshold: 17.0 pts
25 pts
Effective: Effectively met all criteria. |
Community Interviews
PSLO 2 1. Interviewed three community members and addressed the 6 criteria 2. Summarized findings threshold: 11.0 pts
15 pts
Effective: Effectively met all criteria. |
Population Health Prevention Strategies
PSLO 2 1. Provides county and state data for one key indicator in each of the 5 age groups 2. Identifies a specific targeted population in each of the 5 age groups (identify vulnerability) 3. Describes a prevention strategy to address targeted population for each of the 5 age groups (identify level of prevention) 4. Identify areas targeted for proposed strategy for each of the 5 age groups 5. Describes what nurses can do to engage in the targeted strategy identified for each of the 5 age groups 6. Provides a scholarly source for the prevention strategy identified for the targeted population in each of the 5 age groups threshold: 17.0 pts
25 pts
Effective: Effectively met all criteria. |
Collaboration: Healthcare Team Member
PLSO 2 1. Collaborate and review assessment data collected with a community health member 2. Work with community health member to choose one prevention strategy and targeted population to develop a community diagnosis 3. For the solution you proposed as a strategy, develop an expected outcome, two evaluation strategies and three potential resources threshold: 14.0 pts
20 pts
Effective: Effectively met all criteria. |
APA, Grammar & Mechanics
Use of APA, correct spelling, and grammar
10 pts
Effective The correct use of APA formatting has been met without error. The paper is clearly written with no errors in spelling, grammar, word order, word usage, and punctuation. |