Outcomes Synthesis Proposal
American Association of Colleges of Nursing: DNP Essentials: I, II, III, IV, VI, VIII
Course Learning Objectives: 1-6
Outcomes Synthesis Proposal
Purpose: To develop students’ plans for outcomes measurement and cost effectiveness analysis related to the DNP project, and its relationship to the quality movement at the national level.
Please read the assignment in its entirety prior to initiating the activity.
This is the Signature Assignment for the course. It is an outcomes synthesis paper summarizing how the concepts, processes, and procedures studied during the course have been organized and applied to an evidence-based practice project. The assignment is a 10-14 page paper (not counting the abstract, tables, or references). The paper will apply a style similar to that described for methodological articles in the APA Publication Manual. Use the Week 7 link within the Assignments tab to go to Live Text and find the instructions for submission, as well as the rubric.

Although students will have discussed their projects on the discussion boards and collaborated with classmates during the design and conduct of the project, this final assignment is not a group project. It should be written by the student as their specific individual project and reflect that student’s unique perspective and method of expression.
The Paper will have 9 sections:
- Abstract – (120 to 200 words)
- Statement of the Problem – Explanation of the question that will be answered by the project (200 to 400 words)
- Background and Significance – Brief overview of the evidence base for the project and the impact of a successful project (300 to 500 words)
- Systems Context – Brief overview of the organizational system within which the project will be conducted – describe how stakeholders will be involved in the project and what feedback loops will be used to sustain stakeholder involvement and support (200 to 400 words)
- Attach an illustration/diagram of the system
- Definition of Clinical, Satisfaction, and Cost Outcomes – Description of each major outcome that will be used to appraise the success of the project and how it contributes to answering the question (75 to 125 words per outcome)
- Attach a data collection plan (table)
- Methods of Measuring Clinical, Satisfaction, and Cost Outcomes – Description of each metric that will be used to measure each major outcome and what is known about its reliability and validity (100 to 200 words per outcome)
- Implications of Outcomes for Quality Management – Explanation of how the outcomes relate to current local, regional, or national QM initiatives (300 to 700 words)
- Sustainability Plan for Translating Evidence into Practice – Explanation of how a successful project would be translated into a sustainable change in practice (300 to 700 words)
9. References

Exemplary (4) Proficient (3) Developing (2) Emerging (1) Not Complete (0)
Abstract Well organized and Coherent summary of Coherent summary of Summary not coherent Missing or
(24/300) clear summary of all key aspects of paper some aspects of paper imcomplete
(6.0) aspects of paper
Problem Clear and concise Clear explanation of Explanation of problem Explanation of problem Missing or
(24/300) explanation of problem problem addressed by contains irrelevant or not clear imcomplete
(6.0) addressed by project project distracting elements
Background & Exceptionally thorough Adequate analysis, Analysis lacks depth or Analysis lacks depth Missing or
Significance and insightful analysis covered topic with clarity and clarity imcomplete
(24/300) with depth and clarity depth and clarity
Systems Exceptionally thorough Adequate analysis, Analysis lacks depth or Analysis lacks depth Missing or
Context and insightful analysis covered topic with clarity and clarity imcomplete
(32/300) with depth and clarity depth and clarity
Definition of Demonstrated clear Demonstrated general Demonstrated general Demonstrated limited Missing or
Outcomes understanding and understanding with understanding of understanding of best imcomplete
(32/300) connection to clinical limited connection to clinical or practices
(8.0) and administrative best clinical and administrative best
practices administrative best practices
Metrics for Demonstrated clear Demonstrated general Demonstrated limited Demonstrated no Missing or
Outcomes understanding and understanding of understanding of understanding of imcomplete
(40/300) application of principles principles of reliability principles of reliability principles of reliability
(10.0) of reliability and and validity and validity and validity
Implications Exceptionally thorough Generally clear Generally clear Explanation shows Missing or
for Quality and insightful analysis explanation with explanation with limited limited understanding of imcomplete
Management and synthesis significant attempts at attempts at concepts and fundamental concepts
(40/300) analysis and synthesis principles
Sustainability Exceptionally thorough Generally clear Generally clear Explanation shows Missing or
Plan and insightful analysis explanation with explanation with limited limited understanding of imcomplete
(40/300) and synthesis significant attempts at attempts at concepts and fundamental concepts
(10.0) analysis and synthesis principles
APA Appropriate sources Appropriate sources Inappropriate sources Inappropriate sources Missing references or
References used and all sources used and most sources used or many sources used and sources disregard for APA
(24/300) documented correctly in documented correctly in documented incorrectly documented incorrectly formatting
(6.0) text and reference list text and reference list in text or reference list in text or reference list
APA Clear organization and General organization Adequate organization Paper poorly organized; Disregard for APA
Expression focus throughout paper; and focus throughout throughout paper; major grammatical, formatting, grammar, and
(20/300) clear and concise paper; clear and concise frequent minor typographical, or format typographical errors
(5.0) writing style used; writing style used; grammatical, errors
professional vocabulary professional vocabulary typographical, or format
and tone used; no or and tone used; no or errors
rare grammatical rare grammatical
typographical, or format typographical, or format
errors errors