CSIA 459 Assignments Project 1: OSINT Tech Research Project – Homework Solution
Assignments Project 1: OSINT Tech Research Project
Project 1: OSINT Tech Research Project
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Download the attached detailed assignment description for this project. You should also review the rubric shown below for additional information about the requirements for the project and how your work will be graded. Please make sure that you use both the assignment description file AND the rubric when completing your work. | |||||||
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Rubric Name: OSINT Tech Research Project
Criteria | Excellent | Outstanding | Acceptable | Needs Improvement | Needs Significant Improvement | Missing or Unacceptable | Criterion Score |
Executive Summary | 14 points
Provided an excellent executive summary which clearly, concisely, and accurately summarized the deliverable. Information from authoritative sources was used and cited. |
12.6 points
Provided an outstanding executive summary which comprehensively summarized the deliverable. Information from authoritative sources was used and cited. |
9.8 points
Provided an acceptable executive summary which summarized the deliverable but could be improved through additional editing or content. Information from authoritative sources was used and cited. |
8.4 points
Provided an executive summary but, this section was lacking in detail. Information from authoritative sources was used and cited. |
5.6 points
Attempted to provide an executive summary but, this section was significantly lacking in content OR the executive summary was not well supported by information from authoritative sources. |
0 points
Executive summary was missing or not relevant to this deliverable. |
Score of Executive Summary,
/ 14 |
Introduction or Overview of the Technology | 14 points
Provided an excellent overview of an emerging technology or emerging application of technology. The overview included appropriately paraphrased and cited information from 5 or more authoritative sources including 3 or more professional articles or reports (see assignment for examples). |
12.6 points
Provided an outstanding overview of an emerging technology or emerging application of technology. The overview included appropriately paraphrased and cited information from 3 or more authoritative sources including 1 or more professional articles or reports (see assignment for examples). |
9.8 points
Provided an overview of an emerging technology or emerging application of technology. The overview provided some details about how the technology is used. The overview included paraphrased and appropriately cited information from authoritative sources. |
8.4 points
Identified an appropriate technology. Provided an overview or introduction but, this section was lacking in detail. Information from authoritative sources was used and cited in the overview. |
5.6 points
Identified an appropriate technology but the overview of that technology was significantly lacking in detail, was very disorganized, and/or was not well supported by information from authoritative sources. |
0 points
The introduction and/or overview section of the paper was off topic or failed to provide an overview of the emerging application of technology. |
Score of Introduction or Overview of the Technology,
/ 14 |
Technology Description and Usage Analysis | 21 points
Provided an excellent discussion of the characteristics and uses of an appropriate emerging technology or emerging application of technology. The discussion was clear, concise, and accurate. Appropriately used information from 10 or more authoritative sources including 3 or more professional articles or reports (see assignment for examples). |
18.27 points
Provided an outstanding discussion of the characteristics and uses of an appropriate emerging technology or emerging application of technology. The discussion was clear and accurate. Appropriately used information from 8 or more authoritative sources including 3 or more professional articles or reports (see assignment for examples). |
15.33 points
Provided an acceptable discussion of the characteristics and uses of an appropriate emerging technology or emerging application of technology. Appropriately used information from 5 or more authoritative sources including 2 or more professional articles or reports (see assignment for examples). |
11.13 points
Provided an acceptable discussion of the characteristics and uses of an appropriate emerging technology or emerging application of technology. Appropriately used information from 5 or more authoritative sources including 2 or more professional articles or reports (see assignment for examples). |
5.67 points
Discussed cybersecurity benefits from the use of the emerging technology but the discussion lacked detail and/or was not well supported by information drawn from authoritative sources. |
0 points
The discussion of cybersecurity improvements / support from use of the emerging technology was missing or was not relevant to the selected technology. |
Score of Technology Description and Usage Analysis,
/ 21 |
Threat Analysis for the Technology | 21 points
Provided an excellent discussion of how the emerging technology or emerging application of technology could be attacked or threatened. Discussion provided five or more examples of relevant threats, attacks or vulnerabilities for the technology or products which use it. The discussion was clear, concise, and accurate. Appropriately used information from 8 or more authoritative sources including 3 or more professional articles or reports (see assignment for examples). |
18.27 points
Provided an outstanding discussion of how the emerging technology or emerging application of technology could be attacked or threatened. Discussion provided three or more examples of relevant threats, attacks or vulnerabilities for the technology or products which use it. The discussion was clear and accurate. Appropriately used information from 5 or more authoritative sources including 3 or more professional articles or reports (see assignment for examples). |
15.33 points
Provided an acceptable discussion of how the emerging technology or emerging application of technology could be attacked or threatened. Discussion provided two or more examples of relevant threats, attacks or vulnerabilities for the technology or products which use it. Appropriately used information from 3 or more authoritative sources including at least one professional article or report (see assignment for examples). |
11.13 points
Discussion provided some information and examples of threats, attacks, and vulnerabilities affecting the technology or products using the technology. Appropriately used information from 2 or more authoritative sources. |
5.67 points
Discussed attacks and/or reported on how the technology could be threatened but the discussion lacked detail and/or was not well supported by information drawn from authoritative sources. |
0 points
This section was missing or the content was not relevant to the assignment. |
Score of Threat Analysis for the Technology,
/ 21 |
Exploitation Analysis for the Technology | 21 points
Provided an excellent discussion of how the emerging technology or emerging application of technology could be used by attackers to further their own goals and/or how specific anticipated or known vulnerabilities could be exploited (3 or more specific examples). The discussion was clear, concise, and accurate. Appropriately paraphrased and cited information from 10 or more authoritative sources including 3 or more professional articles or reports (see assignment for examples). |
18.27 points
Provided an outstanding discussion of how the emerging technology or emerging application of technology could be used by attackers to further their own goals and/or how specific anticipated or known vulnerabilities could be exploited (2 or more specific examples). The discussion was clear and accurate. Appropriately paraphrased and cited information from 8 or more authoritative sources including 3 or more professional articles or reports (see assignment for examples). |
15.33 points
Provided an outstanding discussion of how the emerging technology or emerging application of technology could be used by attackers to further their own goals and/or how specific anticipated or known vulnerabilities could be exploited (including at least one specific example). Appropriately paraphrased and cited information from 5 or more authoritative sources including 2 or more professional articles or reports (see assignment for examples). |
11.13 points
Discussion provided few details in regards to how the emerging technology or emerging application of technology could be used or exploited by attackers. Provided few details regarding known or suspected (anticipated) vulnerabilities in the technology. Information from authoritative sources was used in the discussion. |
5.67 points
Discussed attacks and/or reported on how the technology could be used against defenders but the discussion lacked detail and/or was not well supported by information drawn from authoritative sources. |
0 points
This section was missing or the content was not relevant to the assignment. |
Score of Exploitation Analysis for the Technology,
/ 21 |
Summary and Conclusions | 14 points
Provided a clear, concise, and accurate summary of the threat analysis which included 3 more more relevant conclusions about the vulnerability of the technology. Information from authoritative sources was used and cited. |
11.2 points
Provided a clear, concise, and accurate summary of the threat analysis which included at least 2 relevant conclusions about the vulnerability of the technology. Information from authoritative sources was used and cited. |
9.8 points
Provided an acceptable closing paragraph which summarized the threat analysis and included at least one relevant conclusion. Information from authoritative sources was used and cited. |
8.4 points
Provided a closing paragraph but the summary did not adequately address the content of the deliverable. Information from authoritative sources was used. |
5.6 points
Attempted to provide a summary but this section was significantly lacking in content OR was not well supported by information drawn from authoritative sources. |
0 points
Section was missing or content was not relevant to the topic of this deliverable. |
Score of Summary and Conclusions,
/ 14 |
Quality of Research, Citations, and References | 14 points
Work was well researched and contains information paraphrased from at least 15 authoritative sources. Paraphrasing, citing, and reference list entries use a consistent format and include sufficient source identification information to allow the reader to fact-check the information presented in this deliverable.
12.6 points
Work was well researched and contains information paraphrased from 12 or more authoritative sources. Paraphrasing, citing, and reference list entries use a consistent format and include sufficient source identification information to allow the reader to fact-check the information presented in this deliverable. |
11.2 points
Work was well researched and contains information paraphrased from 8 or more authoritative sources. Paraphrasing, citing, and reference list entries use a consistent format (minor inconsistencies allowed) and provides sufficient source information to allow the reader to fact-check the information presented in this deliverable. |
8.4 points
Work shows some evidence of research and contains information paraphrased from at least 3 authoritative sources. Inconsistencies in formatting and/or missing citation and publication information make it difficult to fact check some sources.
5.6 points
Work has minimal research and/or fundamentally fails to appropriately use and cite information from authoritative sources. OR the work was not well supported by information from authoritative sources. |
0 points
Reference list is missing. Work demonstrates an overall failure to incorporate and/or credit authoritative sources for information used in the paper. |
Score of Quality of Research, Citations, and References,
/ 14 |
Organization & Appearance | 7 points
Submitted work shows outstanding organization and the use of color, fonts, titles, headings and sub-headings, etc. is appropriate to the assignment type. |
5.6 points
Submitted work has minor style or formatting flaws but still presents a professional appearance. Submitted work is well organized and appropriately uses color, fonts, and section headings (per the assignment’s directions). |
4.2 points
Organization and/or appearance of submitted work could be improved through better use of fonts, color, titles, headings, etc. OR Submitted work has multiple style or formatting errors. Professional appearance could be improved. |
2.8 points
Submitted work has multiple style or formatting errors. Organization and professional appearance need substantial improvement. |
1.4 points
Submitted work meets minimum requirements but has major style and formatting errors. Work is disorganized and needs to be rewritten for readability and professional appearance. |
0 points
No work submitted. |
Score of Organization & Appearance,
/ 7 |
Execution | 14 points
No formatting, grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors. |
11.2 points
Work contains minor errors in formatting, grammar, spelling or punctuation which do not significantly impact professional appearance. |
9.8 points
Errors in formatting, spelling, grammar, or punctuation which detract from professional appearance of the submitted work. |
8.4 points
Submitted work has numerous errors in formatting, spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Work is unprofessional in appearance. |
5.6 points
Submitted work is difficult to read / understand and has significant errors in formatting, spelling, grammar, punctuation, or word usage. |
0 points
No work submitted. |
Score of Execution,
/ 14 |
Score of OSINT Tech Research Project,
/ 140
Overall Score
126 points minimum
112 points minimum
98 points minimum
Needs Improvement
78.4 points minimum
Needs Significant Improvement
50.4 points minimum
Missing or Unacceptable
0 points minimum