In this exercise, you will complete a MindMap Template to gauge your understanding of this week’s content. Select one of the possible topics provided to complete your MindMap Template.
Multiple sclerosis
Transient Ischemic Attack
Myasthenia gravis
Seizure disorders
Head injury
Spinal cord injury
Inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.
Select one of the possible topics provided and complete the MindMap Template.
1) Describe the pathophysiology of the primary diagnosis in your own words. What are the patient’s risk factors for this diagnosis?
20 to >17.0 pts
A thoroughly completed MindMap Template with a selected topic was submitted. The response accurately and thoroughly describes in detail the pathophysiology of the primary diagnosis in the student’s own words. The response accurately and thoroughly explains in detail the patient’s risk factors for this diagnosis.
17 to >14.0 pts
A completed MindMap Template with a selected topic was submitted. The response describes the pathophysiology of the primary diagnosis in the student’s own words. The response explains the patient’s risk factors for this diagnosis.
14 to >12.0 pts
An inaccurately complete or vague MindMap Template with a selected topic was submitted. The response inaccurately or vaguely describes the pathophysiology of the primary diagnosis in the student’s own words. The response inaccurately or vaguely explains the patient’s risk factors for this diagnosis.
12 to >0 pts
An incomplete MindMap Template with a selected topic was submitted, or is missing. The response inaccurately and vaguely describes the pathophysiology of the primary diagnosis in the student’s own words, or is missing. The response inaccurately and vaguely describes the patient’s risk factors for this diagnosis, or is missing.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome2) What are the patient’s signs and symptoms for this diagnosis? How does the diagnosis impact other body systems and what are the possible complications?
20 to >17.0 pts
The response accurately and thoroughly describes in detail the patient’s signs and symptoms for this diagnosis. The response accurately and thoroughly describes in detail how this diagnosis might impact other body systems and their possible complications.
17 to >14.0 pts
The response accurately describes the patient’s signs and symptoms for this diagnosis. The response accurately describes how this diagnosis might impact other body systems and their possible complications.
14 to >12.0 pts
The response inaccurately or vaguely describes the patient’s signs and symptoms for this diagnosis. The response inaccurately or vaguely describes how this diagnosis might impact other body systems and their possible complications.
12 to >0 pts
The response inaccurately and vaguely describes the patient’s signs and symptoms for this diagnosis, or is missing. The response inaccurately and vaguely describes how the diagnosis might impact other body systems and their possible complications, or is missing.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome3) What are other potential diagnosis that present in a similar way to this diagnosis (differentials)?
20 to >17.0 pts
The response accurately and completely describes in detail the potential diagnoses that present in a similar way to the diagnosis provided.
The response accurately describes the potential diagnoses that present in a similar way to the diagnosis provided.
14 to >12.0 pts
The response inaccurately or vaguely describes the potential diagnoses that present in a similar way to the diagnosis provided.
12 to >0 pts
The response inaccurately and vaguely describes the potential diagnoses that present in a similar way to the diagnosis provided, or is missing.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome4) What diagnostic tests or labs would you order to rule out the differentials for this patient or confirm the primary diagnosis?
20 to >17.0 pts
The response accurately and thoroughly describes in detail the diagnostic tests and labs they would order to rule out the differentials for this patient, and in confirming the primary diagnosis.
17 to >14.0 pts
The response accurately describes the diagnostic tests and labs they would order to rule out the differentials for this patient, and in confirming the primary diagnosis.
14 to >12.0 pts
The response inaccurately or vaguely describes the diagnostic tests and labs they would order to rule out the differentials for this patient, and in confirming the primary diagnosis.
12 to >0 pts
The response inaccurately and vaguely describes the diagnostic tests and labs they would order to rule out the differentials for this patient, and in confirming the primary diagnosis, or is missing.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome5) What treatment options would you consider? Include possible referrals and medications.
20 to >17.0 pts
The response accurately and thoroughly describes in detail the treatment options they would consider. The response accurately and thoroughly describes potential referrals and medications.
17 to >14.0 pts
The response accurately describes the treatment options they would consider. They response accurately describes potential referrals and medications.
14 to >12.0 pts
The response inaccurately or vaguely describes the treatment options they would consider. The response inaccurately or vaguely describes potential referrals and medications.
12 to >0 pts
The response inaccurately and vaguely describes the treatment options they would consider, or is missing. The response inaccurately and vaguely describes possible referrals and medications, or is missing.