[Answered 2024] FDSC 105 Food Label Critiques – Homework Solution
Food Label Critiques
In this assignment, you will evaluate 4 labels at the store and 3 labels at home.
Comparing the same food
At the grocery store, find two different products which are available in both “regular” and “low fat” or “low carb”. (For example, regular Ranch dressing and low-fat Ranch dressing would be one product and Chicken Noodle Soup and low sodium Chicken Noodle Soup would be your second product).
From the Nutrition Facts on the back or side of the container, record (hand write or take a picture) the following for each of the 4 labels:

Total Fat
Total Carbs.
Write a paragraph (75-150 words) about each food pair, comparing each of the two items. Decide which one of the two would be more healthy to eat and why.
In the assignment, include your notes or pictures from the 4 labels you recorded and 2 paragraphs comparing each of the 2 foods you chose.
Comparing different food
In this assignment you will evaluate three food labels from home.
First, choose three food/drink items from your pantry or refrigerator/freezer. Choose one very healthy food, one very nutritionally-poor food and one that is somewhere in between.
List three or more strengths and three or more weaknesses from each food label. (75-150 words) You will need to cut out/scan/copy the food label with each critique. Designate each description with the appropriate “healthy”, “unhealthy” or “in between”. Briefly describe your rationale for each designation of “healthy”, “unhealthy” or “in between”.

Use the format listed below for this assignment.
Refer to the example:
Food Item: Reduced Fat Jif Creamy Peanut Butter (In between)
This peanut butter is “in between” because though it does offer adequate protein, it is high in fat low in fiber.
*Low in sugar (4g)
*No cholesterol
*No trans fat
*Contains iron (4%), vitamin 6%, and folic acid 6%
*Protein 8g
*Very high in fat (Total fat 12g)
*Calories from fat 110
*Low in fiber (1g)
Instructions for this assignment:
Attach your food label next to each critique
- Briefly describe your rationale for each designation of “healthy”, “unhealthy” or “in between”.
- Scan or photocopy each of the labels with its evaluation and the rationale for each.
- Upload the labeled scans to the assignment
15 points- 5 points for each label or scan of label
9 points- 3 points for each nutrient description (strengths and weaknesses)
6 points– 2 points for each summary and designation (healthy, not healthy or in between)
30 points