[Answered 2024] Week 5 Assignment: Skills in Evaluating the Quality of Classroom Management – Homework Solution

Week 5 Assignment: Skills in Evaluating the Quality of Classroom Management

This week your assignment is to practice your skills in evaluating the quality of classroom management by observing two classrooms.  First, identify the two classrooms you will evaluate.  One should be a traditional, face-to-face classroom and the other can be either an online classroom or a video of a class in progress. For both classrooms, you need to develop an observation sheet that you will use to record what you see related to classroom management. Be sure that you consider the instructional and assessment strategies that impact management that we have discussed.

This observational sheet will be used for both classrooms, with modifications if necessary.   Your final paper will include a brief overview of the two classes you observed, the completed observation sheets, and a conclusion summarizing your evaluation.   Additional guidelines for this assignment can be found in Resources titled Evaluating Classroom Management Assignment Week 5 and Rubric for Week 5 Assignment.

Week 5 Assignment: Skills in Evaluating the Quality of Classroom Management
Week 5 Assignment: Skills in Evaluating the Quality of Classroom Management

Additional Guidelines for Classroom Observation Evaluations

You have been asked to evaluate two classrooms for classroom management skills.  First, identify two classrooms you can observe.  If possible, try to observe two totally different types of classrooms.  You may include one classroom that is online or can be viewed via video on the Internet.  The classrooms can be higher education, K-12, preschool, church or religion-affiliated classes, professional development courses, adult education, or informal education.  If you need permission to observe, please obtain that well in advance of Week 5.  Set up a time when you can observe these classrooms.  Each observation should last one class period.

ORDER Week 5 Assignment: Skills in Evaluating the Quality of Classroom Management

First, create an observation reporting form.  On the form, include categories of activities, evidence, artifacts, and descriptions that you feel should be present in a well-managed classroom appropriate for the one you are observing.  Review your form to make sure it applies to the specifics of the type of classroom you have selected for your observation.

Conduct your observation as unobtrusively as possible.  Using your reporting form, complete the form and add notes as appropriate.

For Week Five, compile these items for your assignment:

  1. Title page
  2. Overview of the classes you are observing and your rationale for the development of the observation forms you used.
  3. Include copies of the observation forms completed.
  4. Complete the assignment by adding 200-350 words to conclude your report of your observations of these two classrooms.  In the final analysis, describe any recommendations or suggestions to provide constructive feedback to the teachers or administrators relevant to the classes you observed.
  5. If you have suggested references to accompany your report, you may include them in the final segment of your assignment.
Week 5 Assignment: Skills in Evaluating the Quality of Classroom Management
Week 5 Assignment: Skills in Evaluating the Quality of Classroom Management

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