[SOLVED 2024] MGMT618 Week 8 Ethics in Leadership: Moral Development and Intensity Factors – Homework Solution

MGMT618 Week 8 Ethics in Leadership: Moral Development and Intensity Factors

With a minimum of 500 words, answer the following:

  • Identify one well-known person today (politician, celebrity, etc.) who appears to be a pre-conventionalmoral reasoner, and describe how they demonstrate this?
  • Do the same thing for one person who appears to be a principledmoral reasoner.


Pre-Conventional Moral Reasoning

One well-known figure who appears to exemplify pre-conventional moral reasoning is Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, Inc. Pre-conventional morality, as described by Lawrence Kohlberg, is the first stage of moral development where individuals make decisions based on self-interest and obedience to authority. Elon Musk’s behavior and decision-making demonstrate aspects of this stage.

MGMT618 Week 8 Ethics in Leadership: Moral Development and Intensity Factors
MGMT618 Week 8 Ethics in Leadership: Moral Development and Intensity Factors

Firstly, Musk’s entrepreneurial endeavors often prioritize personal gain and the advancement of his own interests. While his ventures, such as SpaceX and Tesla, have undoubtedly contributed to technological innovation and environmental sustainability, Musk’s primary motivation appears to be driven by personal success and financial gain. His pursuit of space exploration with SpaceX, for example, is not solely driven by altruistic goals of advancing humanity but also by his ambition to establish himself as a pioneering figure in the field and potentially colonize other planets as a backup for human civilization.

Furthermore, Musk’s approach to business and leadership often reflects a disregard for conventional norms and regulations. He has been known to openly flout industry standards and regulations, such as his infamous tweet in which he claimed to have secured funding to take Tesla private, leading to an investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and subsequent legal consequences. This behavior suggests a willingness to prioritize personal goals and desires over adherence to established rules and ethical standards.

Additionally, Musk’s interactions on social media platforms like Twitter sometimes showcase a lack of empathy or consideration for others’ feelings. He has been criticized for making insensitive or controversial remarks, often without apparent concern for the potential impact on others. This suggests a limited capacity for empathizing with the perspectives of others, which is characteristic of pre-conventional moral reasoning.

In summary, Elon Musk’s behavior aligns with characteristics of pre-conventional moral reasoning, as he frequently demonstrates a prioritization of personal interests, a disregard for established norms and regulations, and a lack of empathy or consideration for others’ perspectives.

MGMT618 Week 8 Ethics in Leadership: Moral Development and Intensity Factors

Principled Moral Reasoning

In contrast, one individual who appears to embody principled moral reasoning is Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani activist for female education and the youngest Nobel Prize laureate. Principled moral reasoning, as outlined by Lawrence Kohlberg, is the highest stage of moral development where individuals make decisions based on universal ethical principles and a commitment to justice and human rights.

Malala’s advocacy for girls’ education in Pakistan and around the world exemplifies her commitment to universal principles of equality and human rights. Despite facing threats to her own safety and well-being, Malala has remained steadfast in her pursuit of education for all children, particularly girls who are marginalized and denied access to schooling. Her actions are driven by a deep sense of justice and a belief in the inherent dignity and worth of every individual, regardless of gender or background.

Furthermore, Malala’s approach to activism is characterized by non-violence and a commitment to dialogue and negotiation. Despite experiencing violence at the hands of extremists who sought to silence her, Malala has consistently advocated for peace and reconciliation, emphasizing the importance of education as a tool for building understanding and fostering positive change. Her willingness to engage with adversaries and seek peaceful solutions reflects a principled approach to moral decision-making.

Moreover, Malala’s advocacy extends beyond her own personal experiences to encompass broader issues of social justice and human rights. She has spoken out against discrimination, poverty, and oppression in various forms, recognizing the interconnectedness of different forms of injustice and the importance of addressing root causes rather than symptoms. This holistic approach to activism demonstrates a deep understanding of the complexities of moral decision-making and a commitment to addressing underlying systemic issues.

In summary, Malala Yousafzai’s advocacy for girls’ education and human rights embodies principled moral reasoning, as she consistently demonstrates a commitment to universal ethical principles, non-violence, and a holistic approach to addressing social injustice.

MGMT618 Week 8 Ethics in Leadership: Moral Development and Intensity Factors - Homework Solution
MGMT618 Week 8 Ethics in Leadership: Moral Development and Intensity Factors – Homework Solution

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