Module 01 Curriculum Design for Learners with Special Needs Homework solution

Module 01 Curriculum Design for Learners with Special Needs

How does this fit with special needs populations?

The curriculum design process for special needs populations follows the same format as planning for any type of class instruction. The key difference is the need to make individual accommodations based on the specific exceptionality for the learner. The type of modification needed will be contingent on several factors:

Module 01 Curriculum Design for Learners with Special Needs
Module 01 Curriculum Design for Learners with Special Needs
  • The specific learning needs of the learner
  • The goal of the activity
  • The type of resources and structure

When designing curriculum, a good rule of thumb to consider is if the activity can be completed by all children in some manner. If the answer is no, then this is not a good activity. The curriculum plan should provide ways for every child to be successful with the right type of support and modifications or accommodations. If any activity or curriculum plan cannot be implemented with at least one child, the plan should be re-structured to provide support and guidance to allow everyone to engage in the learning experience.

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Points to consider with curriculum design

  • DAP – When designing curriculum for any population of early childhood learners developmentally appropriate practice should be a primary consideration. Developmentally appropriate practices focuses on the individual learning needs and interests of every child in the classroom. The process addresses cultural experiences and the unique characteristics of the individual that makes the learning experience meaningful.
  • Accommodations – The type of accommodations needed to support children with special needs ranges greatly based on the specific needs of each child. A child with a physical delay will have very different accommodations needs than a child who is a second language learner. The type of accommodation can be a large adjustment to the curriculum model or it could be a minor addition to the activity. For example, the child with a physical delay might need a chair to sit in while using the sand and water table. In comparison, the child who is a second language learner may need someone to show her how to use the materials in the sand and water table by modeling and speaking in the second language. These modifications are very different but allow both children to engage in the same activity.

  • Physical environment – The physical environment is a key piece of the curriculum design process. The physical environment sets the tone and can help communicate the goals of the activity. Some children with special needs will require the teacher to modify the physical setting to support the learning goals.
  • Communication with others – Communicating with others is an essential part of the learning environment. When designing curriculum consider what would need to be shared with other teachers, parents, or children to support the learning process.
Module 01 Curriculum Design for Learners with Special Needs
Module 01 Curriculum Design for Learners with Special Needs

The following video addresses the role of the environment and the connection to supporting the learning process. As you view the video, please consider how the room guides the tone and learning of the children in your care.

As you move further into the course, you will focus on ways to modify the curriculum to accommodate specific learning needs of children in the classroom. While you begin your first assignments for this course, reflect on what are common accommodations you could make to enhance learning for children with special needs in the classroom.

Classroom Environment


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