[SOLVED] PJM 6210 Communication Skills for Project Managers – Homework Solution
PJM 6210 Communication Skills for Project Managers
Ethics Research
Overview and Rationale
For this assignment, you will utilize a minimum of two peer reviewed articles in addition to PMI’s Code of Ethics to write an essay demonstrating your understanding of the key roles ethics plays in the process of planning, managing, and controlling communications in a project setting.

Program and Course Outcomes
This assignment is directly linked to the following key learning outcomes from the course syllabus:
- LO10: Evaluate the role ethics plays in the process of planning, managing, and controlling communications in a project setting.
In addition to these key learning outcomes, you will also have the opportunity to evidence the following skills through completing this assignment:
- Critical thinking and analysis
- Technical Competency
Essential Components & Instructions
Utilizing one of the four values from PMI’s Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, write an essay describing why your chosen value is necessary for successful execution of planning, managing, and controlling communications in a project setting (paragraph 1). Also, state the ramifications to the project if the value is absent (paragraph 2). Use an example from your own experience that illustrates, either positively, the necessity of the ethical value, or negatively, and ramifications of its absence (paragraph 3).
ORDER PJM 6210 Communication Skills for Project Managers
This is a short paper, and will be a great exercise in gathering peer reviewed research, reading and understanding the research, and then synthesizing your thoughts in a very clear concise manner. The paper should follow the following format:
Format & Guidelines
Below are some key guidelines you will want to ensure you follow in this assignment. Think of this short list as a quality control checklist, along with the attached grading rubric.
- The document should be no more than 5 pages
- Page 1 = Title Page
- Page 2 = Abstract
- Page 3-4 = Introduction, three evidentiary body paragraphs, and conclusion
- Page 5 = References
- Document should professionally formatted using titles, headers, and bullets where appropriate.
- You must include a title page and cite sources using a reference page according to APA 7th edition guidelines
- Submission is free of grammatical errors and misspellings
- Double spaced, times new roman, 12 point font, 1 inch margins
- Minimum 2 peer-reviewed sources outside course texts
- Direct quotes should account for no more that 15 percent of paper (use direct quotes sparingly)

Please be sure to review the attached rubric. It along with these assignment instructions will ensure you have a solid understanding of the assignment requirements.
Assessment Element | Above Standard
(100-95%) |
Meets Standards
(94.9 – 84%) |
Approaching Standards
(83.9 – 77%) |
Below Standard
(76.9 – 70%) |
Not Evident
(69.9 – 0%) |
Necessity of Ethical Value (20%) |
Coherently and comprehensively describes why the chosen value is necessary for successful execution of planning, managing, and controlling communications.
Selects one ethical value and clearly describes why the chosen value is necessary for successful execution of planning, managing, and controlling communications.
Selects one ethical value and describes why the chosen value is necessary for successful execution of planning, managing and controlling communication.
Describes why chosen value is necessary for execution of planning, managing and controlling communications, but explanation is vague, lacks detail, or does not focus on a single ethical value.
Does not describe why a specific value is necessary for successful execution of planning, managing, and controlling communications.
Ramifications (20%) |
States the ramification to the project if the value is absent with clear connections to the necessity of the ethical value.
Clearly states the ramifications to the project if the value is absent and ramifications are linked to reasons stated for its necessity.
States the ramifications to a project if the value is absent and provides reasoning for statements.
States the ramifications to a project if the value is absent, but ramifications are vague, are not linked to the necessity of the ethical value or ramifications would apply to the lack of any of the values.
Does not state the ramifications to a project if the value is absent.
Personal Experience (20%) |
Provides an example from experience that illustrates, either the necessity of the ethical value, or the ramifications of its absence that is particularly pertinent to the points made. | Provides a clear example from experience that illustrates, either the necessity of the ethical value, or the ramifications of its absence.
ORDER PJM 6210 Communication Skills for Project Managers
Provides an example from experience that illustrates, either the necessity of the ethical value, or the ramifications of its absence, but example is generic or not clearly linked to the ethical value
Provide an example from experience, but it does not illustrate the necessity of the value nor the ramification of its absence.
ORDER PJM 6210 Communication Skills for Project Managers
Does not provide an example from experience.
Format (10%) |
Presents a logical and organized format that can be followed. Clearly evident to reader what is contained in each section. Sections are unified and not redundant or contradictory with other sections. Virtually no errors in formatting, citations, or references. | Presents a well-organized format that can be followed. Evident to reader what is contained in each section. Sections are integrated but not redundant or contradictory with other sections. Rare errors in formatting, citations, or references. | Presents a reasonably organized format that can be followed. It is generally clear to reader what is contained in each section. Some integration between sections and not generally redundant or contradictory with other sections. Few errors in formatting, citations, or references. | Paper has issues with organization that make it hard to follow. It is unclear to reader what is contained in each section. Little integration between sections and there is some redundancy or contradiction with other sections. Some errors in formatting, citations, or references. | Not presented in an organized format. Not evident to reader what is contained in each section. Sections are not integrated and there is redundancy or contradictions with other sections. Multiple errors in formatting, citations, or references. |
Grammar & Clarity
(10%) |
Expresses ideas and opinions in a clear and concise manner with obvious connection to the assignment | Uses clear language to accurately express abstract ideas and explain concepts | Minor errors in writing and lack of clarity and accuracy | Many errors in writing and lack of clarity and accuracy | Uses unclear language and fails to express abstract ideas and explain concepts accurately |